We are Tough Life Products. We are Tough
Life Products
Life is tough
but we're here to make a difference.
Our goal is to develop, manufacture and sell fitness products
that will make a difference to the people who use them.

Our products are designed to be effective and challenging,
irrespective of your gender, age or current fitness; as well as being
practical to use even if you have mobility issues or are recovering
from an injury.
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Our goal is to develop, manufacture and sell fitness products that will make a difference to the people who use them.
Our products are designed to be effective and challenging, irrespective of your gender, age or current fitness; as well as being practical to use even if you have mobility issues or are recovering from an injury.

We asked our customers what they were looking for when they purchased our fitness products

They had many different objectives:- 

What our customers say

We asked them if our products had helped them achieve their goals and the answer was a resounding YES!
The product that has got everyone excited is ZWITCH
“Provides unique exercises and I could not recommend ZWITCH highly enough. Whether you are a beginner or experienced gym goer, it provides a full upper body workout and burn that leaves you sore in the morning.”
Les Mills Instructor

Designed to be effective and challenging, irrespective of your gender, age or current fitness.

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